Start your journey with free domains

Buy an annual Premium or Business Shared Hosting plan and get a premium top-level domain extension free of charge for the first year.

Enjoy premium features

Enjoy premium features

Get the perfect domains

Get the perfect domains

Choose a web hosting plan

Pick a web hosting plan and get a free domain name for your website.

Payment terms

24/7 expert support

24/7 expert support

Reliable web hosting

Reliable web hosting

Free business email

Free business email

Need more power? Try cloud hosting

Need more power? Try cloud hosting

Free domain FAQs

Find answers to frequently asked questions about our free domains.

What is a domain name?


Is there a list of free domain name extensions?


How to get a domain name for free?


Are there any other costs included?


How to complete a free domain registration?


How can Hostinger offer free domains for your websites?


Can I transfer my free domain names to another registrar?


Can I use my free domain registration to create a domain-based email?
